Free Throw Shooting #2- 3 makes = 1 point

This is a free throw shooting game to be played with a team.  I use every available basket in the gym when I play this game.  I split up the players into teams evenly amongst all the baskets.  The players at each basket are a team and are playing against every other basket.  Each basket keeps their score and calls there score out after each point they get.  The scoring is as follows…

1 point = 3 made free throws in a row

0 points = any miss

The game is played as follows…

Player 1 shoots a free throw.  If they make it, then they shoot another free throw.  If they make it, then they shoot another.  If they make the 3rd free throw, then the basket gets a point, and the players rotate to player 2 shooting.  If player 1 misses a free throw at any point during the 3 shots, then their turn stops, and the players rotate.  So, if player 1 misses the first shot, then the players rotate and player 2 starts shooting. 

A time limit is put on the game.  The time limit can be whatever you want to make it.  Normally, I will put 5 or 10 minutes on the clock and play multiple games during practice.  So, if I have 15 minutes in practice dedicated to free throws, then I might play 3 games of 5 minutes for this game.

There will be a winning basket, and all other baskets will be the losers.  The losers will have a punishment for losing.  It could be a sprint like a down and back run.  Pushups or sit-ups could be used as well for the punishment.  Sometimes I let a player choose the punishment.  If I am doing this multiple times, I will let the winners of the first game choose the punishment for the next game.  This is putting a bigger reward on winning because not only do the players who win not have to do the punishment, but they also get to choose the punishment for the next round.

This is a great team free throw shooting drill to make free throw shooting a competitive game which makes the players focus more on free throw shooting during practice.  This added focus should help free throw shooting in games.

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