Free Throw Shooting #1-Game of 7

This is a game that you can do that can help maintain focus or improve focus during free throw shooting.  Free throw shooting can become boring so any time you can introduce a game that will help keep focus among the players or improve focus for an individual. 

This is what I call 7’s free throw shooting.  It is a race to get 7 points before anybody else.  It is that simple.  And on the losing side if a player gets to -7, then they are out.  Scoring rules are simple and as follows…

1 point-Free throw is a swish.  The shot is made without touching the rim.

0 points- Free throw is made.  There is no benefit or punishment for making the free throw.

-1 point-Free throw is missed.  If the shot is missed, then the player gets -1.

That is the scoring system.  Very simple and all players will be able to keep their scores.  All scores will be between 7 and -7.  The first player to get to 7 points wins.  Any player that gets to a -7 is out until the next round. 

The players will shoot 2 free throws and rotate.  Depending on the number of baskets available, the players should be spread too as many rims as possible.  This keeps players shooting as many free throws as possible with as little down time as you can get.  I like to keep at least two players to a basket so the players cannot get into a rhythm by shooting by themselves.  They are shooting 2 and then stepping away for a time and then shooting again.  This also simulates a game scenario as best as possible.

The great thing about this game is it can be done with just one player or with an entire team.  If the game is being played with a group of players, then I put a time limit on the game just in case nobody gets to 7 points.  Once a player gets 7 points or the time limit is reached then the first to 7 or highest point total wins and everybody else loses. The losers then do a punishment.  You can also make the game among each basket to have more winners if you choose. 

The punishment is whatever you decide it to be.  It could be a sprint like a down and back run.  Pushups or sit-ups could be used as well for the punishment.  Sometimes I let a player choose the punishment.  If I am doing this multiple times, I will let the winner of the first game choose the punishment for the next game.  This is putting a bigger reward on winning because not only does the player who wins not have to do the punishment, but they also get to choose the punishment for the next round.

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