Quick Hitter and Freelance OffenseQuick Hitter and Freelance Offense
Quick Hitter Offense A quick hitter is an offense that is designed to get a shot within a few passes. The quick hitter is basically just a simple offensive play.
Quick Hitter Offense A quick hitter is an offense that is designed to get a shot within a few passes. The quick hitter is basically just a simple offensive play.
The continued motion offense is designed so the offense is in a constant state of motion. The continued motion offense is thought of as being a little outdated by people.
Transition offense is the offense when a team is going from defense to offense during a change of possession. The change of possession could be a turnover, rebound or after
Today’s basketball game has evolved where traditional positions have started to erode and the team has become about putting the best players on the floor and figuring out roles based